Our Treasure in Jesus

God, we love you! As your Church, help us do what it takes to let the people of Tunisia grasp the Good News that there is no condemnation at all IN Christ! (Romans 8:1)

Pray for a Tunisian Believer

O is 40 years old, jobless, and would like to be married. Before he met the Messiah, he was extremely shy. As he begins this new journey of faith, the Lord is transforming him. Recently he shared the good news with his sister, but she responded in anger. O would like to share with his parents but is afraid they will react similarly. Pray that God will give O words of grace to speak with his parents about Christ’s salvation.

Prayer for Boldness

“You have given me the shield of your salvation, and your right hand supported me, and your gentleness made me great.” (Psalm 18:35 ESV).

Lord, as your gentleness made David a great king after your own heart, may your gentleness shape, form, and inspire the church in Tunisia to walk in countercultural servanthood that your kingdom alone counts as great. (Psalm 18:35) Teach your followers in Tunisia the true meaning of greatness.

Pray for a Segment of Society

Those in government Fakhri just thought it would be different. As a successful businessman and devout Muslim, he loves his family and country and has no desire to leave it like so many others are doing these days. He thought he’d found a way to wield his influence for good, to join something bigger than himself with a group of people who seemed to be for conservative values and the revival of the sinking economic ship that has left hundreds of thousands jobless, hopeless, and without dignity. Recent political unrest not only ousted him from his position as a member of parliament, but has shaken his foundational belief in the goodness of his fellow Muslim colleagues. Corruption, scandal, wrestling for power—it seems no one is untouched and that disappointment is so heavy some days. Fakhri has frequent discussions with a Christian businessman who has been a faithful friend for years. Though he’s had to warn the man and his family to not speak too freely about their faith in Jesus the Messiah, they are able to have open, jovial discussions about sacrificial leadership, faith, and so many other issues. Pray for individual members and the government as a whole to truly put the interest of the people ahead of their own desires, as best exemplified in Jesus the Messiah.

Prayer Walk

How does God lead you to pray as you watch this video from Tunisia?

Inspirational Quotes

This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on the earth! — Keith Green

How could this quote inspire you to pray for Tunisians? For yourself?