Our Treasure in Jesus
God, we love you! As your Church, help us do what it takes to let the people [of location] grasp the Good News that we receive grace IN Christ! (1 Corinthians 1:4)
Testimonies from Around the World
Jannat had a question for a Christian she was talking to: “I read some parts of the Bible, and there I found that Jesus came only for the Jews, but it also says when He was crucified that He is the savior of mankind. Do you have any proof of this?”
A long discussion ensued about many passages in the Bible. After a few days, Jannat asked her friend to send Bible references proving that Islam is not true. After long days of discussions, she started to believe in Jesus but not that He is the Son of God. Eventually, Jannat asked for a New Testament. Jannat asks for prayer for herself because though she is still on the journey to Christ, her family notices changes in her behavior and are causing her problems because of it.
Pray for Jannat and many seekers all over the Muslim world to have grace and wisdom to discern who in their family would be open to discovering God through the teachings of the Bible so that they can come to faith in Christ with others.
Biblical Prayers
“For we who have believed enter that rest, as he has said, “As I swore in my wrath, ‘They shall not enter my rest,’” although his works were finished from the foundation of the world.” (Hebrews 4:3 ESV).
Creator God, your work of drawing every nation on earth to yourself was finished from the foundation of the world. (Hebrews 4:3) May the glory of your finished work and your eternal wisdom flood the church [in location] with boldness and satisfaction with all that you’ve done, are doing, and will do among all the tribes and tongues [of location] and the whole earth.
Prayer Walk
As you look at this image, how does God lead you to pray for these people?

Inspirational Quotes
“We talk of the second coming; half the world has never heard of the first.” – Oswald J. Smith
How could this quote inspire you to pray for [people_group]? For yourself?