Our Treasure in Jesus

God, we love you! As your Church, help us do what it takes to let the people of Tunisia see you through Jesus, the radiance of your glory, the exact imprint of your nature! (Hebrews 1:3)

Pray for a Tunisian Believer

S is a traditional 72 year old man, is married, and has adult children. He has rejected Islam. He likes the ideas of the West and feels that Christians have been instrumental in helping nations progress. He sees the fruit of Christian thought and is curious to understand what Jesus taught. S believes that Jesus died for his sin and rose again. Pray that S will give priority to reading and obeying the Bible. He is still hesitant to make a decision to surrender to Christ.

Prayer for Boldness

“When an attempt was made by both Gentiles and Jews, with their rulers, to mistreat them and to stone them, they learned of it and fled to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and to the surrounding country, and there they continued to preach the gospel.” (Acts 14:5-7).

When attempts are made to mistreat believers in Tunisia – and even when some must flee – may they be blessed with the boldness and perseverance to continue to preach the gospel. (Acts 14:5-7) Lord, give them faith that cannot be shaken by persecution.”

Pray for a Segment of Society

Taxi Drivers – “One more client, just one more…” Abdullah whispered as he waited for the light to turn green. His phone rang again. “He’s getting worse,” his wife said. His heart beat so fast that he didn’t notice the foreigner who had just jumped into his taxi cab. The man reiterated his hoped-for destination and they were off. “Are you ok?” the man asked in Arabic. Something about the kindness of his voice broke the emotional dam and Abdullah found himself weeping freely as he recalled the shocking events of the last day. If his son didn’t receive treatments immediately, the outcome looked grim. Though Abdullah often worked 24-hour shifts like the other thousands of cab drivers across the country, it was always only barely enough to survive, with no buffer room for emergencies. He needed to get home and couldn’t let his mind wander into the disappointment that he and countless drivers felt—their dreams of using their university degrees to enjoy a meaningful life with a bit more financial margin were squeezed out between unemployment or endless chauffeuring.

On that desperate day, Allah had brought Abdullah a Christian who not only gave him a gift so that he wouldn’t have to sell his phone for imminent hospital fees, but who prayed for him in Jesus’ name as he wept. Pray for taxi drivers to encounter true followers of Christ in their endless interactions with people. Ask for soft hearts to not only debate, but receive the challenge to read the Bible and consider Jesus’ claims.

Prayer Walk

How does God lead you to pray as you watch this video from Tunisia?

Inspirational Quotes

“This is the grand purpose for which we were created: to enjoy the grace of Christ as we spread the gospel of Christ from wherever we live, to the ends of the earth.” – David Platt

How could this quote inspire you to pray for Tunisians? For yourself?