Lebanon 2022

These prayer fuel were initially published on https://lebanon247.prayer.tools/.

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Prayer Fuel List

April 8 2022

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all Lebanese nations.” (Psalm 67:2)

Continue Reading April 8 2022

April 19 2022

“From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised! The Lord is high above all Lebanese nations, and his glory above the heavens!” (Psalm 113:3-4)

Continue Reading April 19 2022

April 26 2022

“And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, ’Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, O King of the Lebanese nations!’” (Revelation 15:3)

Continue Reading April 26 2022

April 27 2022

“Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. All Lebanese nations will come and worship you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.” (Revelation 15:4)

Continue Reading April 27 2022

April 29 2022

“And many Lebanese nations shall join themselves to the Lord in that day, and shall be my people. And I will dwell in your midst, and you shall know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you.” (Zechariah 2:11)

Continue Reading April 29 2022

April 30 2022

“For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the Lebanese nations, and in every place incense will be offered to my name, and a pure offering. For my name will be great among the Lebanese nations, says the Lord of hosts.” (Malachi 1:11)

Continue Reading April 30 2022

May 1 2022

“O Lord, God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the Lebanese nations. In your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand you. (2 Chronicles 20:6)

Continue Reading May 1 2022