What is a gospel movement?

A church planting movement (CPM) or disciple making movement (DMM) can be defined as “the multiplication of disciples making disciples and leaders developing leaders, resulting in indigenous churches planting churches which begin to spread rapidly through a people group or population segment.” Click here to read more about gospel movements.

Declare a Promise

Psalm 22:28 “For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the Lebanese peoples.”

Lord, you reign! You rule! You are the rightful Lord. Today, we declare over Lebanon: there is no king but King Jesus.

Today’s Movement Theme: MULTIPLICATION

In order for any nation to be reached, church growth must outpace population growth.

Right now, 1 out of 3 persons on the earth does not have access to the gospel. One out of three! In 1985, there were 3.2 billion lost souls. In 2019, the best estimate is over 5.5 billion. The stark truth is this: evangelism of unreached peoples is not keeping pace with population growth, AND THIS IS TRUE IN LEBANON.

We need something different, something fresh.

And God is already doing it: gospel movements. In the past 25 years, the phenomenon called ‘church planting movements’ have dramatically increased, and movements are now present on every continent.

To become a ‘movement,’ new churches in multiple streams must be reaching 4+ generations deep all within a 3-5 year period. At minimum, 100s of churches will be represented, usually 1,000s. In other words: disciple making movements require multiplication!

For Lebanon to have ‘no place left’ that is unreached, we need to see around 40,000 churches planted. The only way this will happen is multiplication.

Pray the Scripture

2 Tim 2:2You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.

  1. Ask: for the grace of multiplication. May leaders make other leaders, and groups start other groups.
  2. Ask: for trustworthy men and women to be identified and entrusted with the gospel message.
  3. Ask: for the gift of reproducibility: in evangelism, in discipleship, and in church structures

Acts 19:10This took place for two years, so that all who lived in Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.

  1. Ask: for multiplication and spread like we see in the book of Acts. Millions of people heard in two years!
  2. Ask: that all Lebanese in all areas of Lebanon would hear the word of the Lord

John 17:20 “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.”

  1. Ask: for disciples to share with and make other disciples
  2. Ask: for the message of Christ to spread powerfully and rapidly

No Place Left

Each day, we will pray for various regions of Lebanon, believing in faith that a disciple making movement will touch each and every community throughout the nation.

Today, pray by name for the areas of North Lebanon.

Tripoli Akkar Zgharta Al Koura Wadi Khaled Halba Jbeil Batroun Bcharre


Father, we pray that the peoples of Lebanon will learn to study the Bible, understand it, obey it, and share it quickly with others. Will you grant this nation the grace of multiplication: disciples who make disciples, groups that start groups, and churches that plant churches. May your glory and fame spread throughout Lebanon–and the entire Middle East–as Lebanese followers of Jesus love God by obeying his commands. Lord: may the Lebanese go into all Arab countries, bringing the life-changing presence, love, and power of God with them.