What is a gospel movement?

A church planting movement (CPM) or disciple making movement (DMM) can be defined as “the multiplication of disciples making disciples and leaders developing leaders, resulting in indigenous churches planting churches which begin to spread rapidly through a people group or population segment.” Click here to read more about gospel movements.

Declare a Promise

Psalm 67:3 “Let the Lebanese praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!”

Lord, may all the Lebanese praise you; may they praise you from every class and sect, from every religion and educational background; may they praise you in the cities and praise you in the villages, may they praise you from the seaside and praise you atop the highest peaks, for You and You alone are worthy to receive glory and honor and praise, Great High King, rightful Ruler of Lebanon.

Today’s Movement Themes: TARGETED PRAYER

Today, we will press in and begin praying for a few themes pertinent to Lebanon in this historical moment. These targeted prayers will continue for the next few days.

As many of you will know, Lebanon has faced a series of compound traumas that has left it reeling: the civil war from 1975-1990; the sectarian violence which has plagued post-war Lebanon, culminating in clashes and assassinations; the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel; and more recently, the absolute collapse of Lebanon’s economy, a socio-political revolution against the ruling elite, a massive port explosion that left 300,000 instantly homeless, and the social stresses of dealing with the Covid pandemic.

To say that Lebanon is ‘on the brink’ is something of an understatement; it already fell off the proverbial cliff.

Therefore, we will pray.

The Government

Corruption has plagued Lebanon’s modern history. Many of the warlords during the 1975-1990 civil war became, post ‘war’, the rebuilders of the new Lebanon. For the past 30 years, they have lined their pockets, fleeced the people, and exploited the poor. Today, we stand in the gap for Lebanon–particularly the marginalized and hurting–and we call on God to instill righteous women and men to lead this nation into a new era of justice and peace and prosperity.

This is particularly timely because Lebanese elections are less than one month away, slated to take place May 15, 2022.

Scriptures to Pray

1 Tim 2:1-4 “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.

  1. Pray for all the Lebanese, interceding that God would help them in their time of desperate need
  2. Give thanks for all Lebanese, in accordance with scripture
  3. Intercede for the ‘kings’ and those in authority over Lebanon, asking that God would move their hearts to champion justice, truth, peace, and prosperity
  4. Ask that the God would move–miraculously!–on the hearts of Lebanese to elect God-fearing leaders on May 15

Jeremiah 29:7  “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”

  1. Intercede for the Lebanese poor, asking God to offer them creative means of making a living
  2. Pray for the prosperity of Lebanon, asking God to turn the tide–miraculously!–and make Lebanon a nation of blessing rather than a nation of curses
  3. Ask that God would move on minds and hearts of Lebanese entrepreneurs to create new jobs and economic opportunities
  4. Intercede for the government, that leaders would make laws which allow entrepreneurs to help create wealth

No Place Left

Each day, we pray for various regions of Lebanon, believing in faith that a disciple making movement will touch each and every community throughout the nation.

Today, pray by name for the following neighborhoods of West Beirut.

Hamra : Manara : Ras Beirut : Ein Mreisseh : Rouche : Kareitem : Verdun : Ein el Tiin : Talat Khayat


Father, hear our cries. Rend the heavens and come down. Your arm, O Mighty One, is not too short that it cannot save. Rise, O Mighty One, to show compassion. A bruised reed you never break, and a smoldering wick you never snuff out. O Father! Lebanon is bruised, and Lebanon is smoldering. Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy. Come and do miracles today in Lebanon. Raise the dead. Save the nation. Spread your fame. Transform this people. Recreate us.
