What is a gospel movement?

A church planting movement (CPM) or disciple making movement (DMM) can be defined as “the multiplication of disciples making disciples and leaders developing leaders, resulting in indigenous churches planting churches which begin to spread rapidly through a people group or population segment.” Click here to read more about gospel movements.

Declare a Promise

Deut 10:18 “He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and he loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing

Lord, we declare over Lebanon’s refugees: you defend their cause; you care about their plight; you respond to their cries for justice; and you reach down from heaven to act. You are the God of the refugee, a safe haven, a strong tower. And you stand with those whose backs are up against the wall.

Today’s Movement Theme: TARGETED PRAYER

Today, we will pray for our Syrian brothers and sisters living in Lebanon as refugees.

Soon after the Arab Spring began, Syrians took to the streets protesting their government. The response by the government was swift and brutal. Over the course of the war, around 14 million Syrians were forcibly displaced: more than half the country’s population. Over the years, Lebanon–a tiny country of some 4.5 million Lebanese–would eventually host over 1.5 million Syrian refugees. No other country in history has absorbed this many refugees in proportion to the native population.

Circumstances are dire, and aid is drying up. This, combined with the collapse of Lebanon’s economy, strain the refugee population beyond what it can bear. We must pray.

Provisions and Jobs

The UN can no longer supply refugees with needed provisions. In addition, the Lebanese populations are now suffering. Approximately 65% of Lebanon currently lives under global poverty. For our Syrian brothers and sisters, let us pray specifically for:

  1. God to provide stable employment
  2. God to provide for families to stay warm in winter, eat throughout the year, and have access to needed medicines

The Refugee Generation

A generation of children has grown up these past 10 years during pervasive instability and chronic and compound traumas. Let us pray God’s grace over their minds and bodies as well as grace over mothers and fathers.

  1. Pray that God would heal traumatized hearts, minds, and bodies, particularly among the children
  2. Pray that educational opportunities would be given to children
  3. Pray for miraculous grace to be poured out over moms and dads trying to survive and often unable, or incapable, of tending to the kids.

Men of Peace

God is doing remarkable works among Syrians, especially women, with multiplying groups and baptisms. But there are far fewer men in these new expressions of church. Let us press in and pray for breakthrough in this crucial area.

  1. Intercede for God’s outpouring of hunger over Syrian men
  2. Ask that God would disrupt ‘business as usual’ for Syrian men and that he would bring them to a point of searching desperation
  3. Pray for men of peace to lead their households and communities to saving faith in Christ

Economic Creativity and Prosperity

The economic difficulties for Syrian populations are difficult to capture in language. Let’s pray for God to do something more than we could ask or imagine!

  1. Pray for creative new business ideas among Syrians
  2. Pray for favor with Lebanese government and protection from discrimination
  3. Pray for microfinance and business trainings to help people reimagine the possibilities they have
  4. Pray for economic blessing

No Place Left

Each day, we pray for various regions of Lebanon, believing in faith that a disciple making movement will touch each and every community throughout the nation.

Today, pray by name for areas in Lebanon hosting high numbers of Syrian refugees.

Zahle Saadnayel Talbaya Bar Elias Nabaa Sabra Burj Barajneh Burj Hamoud Tripoli