Our Treasure in Jesus
God, we love you! As your Church, help us do what it takes to let the people [of location] grasp the Good News that we have eternal life IN Christ! (Romans 6:23)
Testimonies from Around the World
When I was 29 years old I became addicted to drugs after my fiance broke up with me and my job was terrible.
Life was so bad I purchased as many drugs as I could in order to commit suicide. As I lay there waiting to die I prayed, “Are you Allah or are you God? Whoever you are, save me. I didn’t think that life could be this hard. People are cruel and insensitive. I am addicted to alcohol and drugs. I know these are bad, but I use them to escape. Please help me if you can hear me, help me. If I deserve hell for killing myself, stop me right now. I want to be happy without being dependent on anything. I have lived far from you and offended you, show me where I made a mistake and teach me how to make a fresh start. I’m about to die God, help me!”
Then I fell asleep. I heard a voice in my dream saying, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
I had no idea what this meant, but sometime later I met a Christian who took out a Bible and showed me the same words I heard in my dream. They were from Matthew 7. As I read, I found peace and Jesus gave me hope. I realized that Jesus is Lord and savior. In a very short time, Jesus gave me healing, hope, and blessings. I got rid of all my addictions and bad habits without any medical support. Jesus saved me, and thanks to the Bible, I now know God very well and know that he is a loving father. I used to not like people, now I love them very much. We are no longer under the control of sin. I have become a new person and I am full of hope.
Biblical Prayers
“Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.” (Psalm 66:16 ESV).
Lord God, you have faithfully written the testimony of your passionate love for the people [of location] across history and lives. May you raise up a generation of followers [in location] who cry with the Psalmist, “come and hear and I will tell you what God has done for my soul!” (Psalm 66:16) May they exhort one another to testify and may your Spirit carry faithfully that testimony to ears you’ve prepared to hear and receive it.
Prayer Walk
As you look at this image, how does God lead you to pray for these people?

Inspirational Quotes
“The history of missions is the history of answered prayer.” – Samuel Zwemer
How could this quote inspire you to pray for [people_group]? For yourself?