Our Treasure in Jesus
God, we love you! As your Church help us do what it takes to let the people [of location] grasp the Good News that Jesus is coming back like lightning! (Matthew 24:27)
Testimonies from Around the World
I am a twenty-three year old woman. My family situation is very difficult, especially with my father. I finally ran away. I went through some very hard circumstances. One day a friend introduced me to a Christian family. They welcomed me and told me about the Messiah. They said, “The Messiah is able to help you in your suffering.” Later I got online and was looking for a solution to my problems. Again, I was shocked to find information about the Messiah. I met Christians and they prayed with me a lot. One day I woke up and I had such joy in my heart. I heard a voice say, “Accept the Messiah. Accept the Messiah.” I accepted Christ and was filled with the Holy Spirit. I felt new life come into my body and fill me with strength and renew my soul. Within a week, God began to prompt me to forgive my father. Pray that God will give me faith to trust Him and forgive my father. Pray for others who are bound by the slavery of bitterness and unforgiveness.
Pray that God will give them strength to forgive.
Biblical Prayers
“Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.” (Luke 10:3 ESV).
Lord Jesus, you have sent your followers [in location] out as lambs in the midst of wolves. Be their ever-mindful, every-caring shepherd as you grow them in confidence and steadfastness to trust you as the wolves encircle and threaten. Would you give them a supernatural, attractive gentleness that even their suffering might a witness to their enemies who would see them divided and lost. (Luke 10:3).
Prayer Walk
As you look at this image, how does God lead you to pray for these people?

Inspirational Quotes
“If you are ever inclined to pray for a missionary, do it at once, where ever you are. Perhaps he may be in great peril at that moment.” – Amy Carmichael, 1867-1951, missionary to India
How could this quote inspire you to pray for [people_group]? For yourself?