Our Treasure in Jesus

God, we love you! As your Church, help us do what it takes to let the people of Tunisia grasp the Good News that Jesus offered us life! (Matthew 10:38)

Pray for a Tunisian Believer

K is a professor of Islam. The Lord worked a miracle in her life and now she gathers students and talks with them about the Messiah. K is afraid that she will lose her job or be persecuted by fundamentalists if they find out that she is a Christian. Pray that God will free K from fear and give her boldness.

Prayer for Boldness

“By Silvanus, a faithful brother as I regard him, I have written briefly to you, exhorting and declaring that this is the true grace of God. Stand firm in it.” (1 Peter 5:12 ESV).

Heavenly Father, teach your followers in Tunisia to cling to the true grace of God and to stand firm in it. (1 Peter 5:12) As fear and doubt swirl around these precious friends, would you be the solid Rock on which they can stand and build this eternally valuable corner of your kingdom.

Pray for a Segment of Society

Arab world immigrants- “Here they don’t put spices in their coffee, but we do,” said Tasnime proudly as her guests sipped and smiled while seated on her luxurious Middle-Eastern furniture. Only her dialect gives away the fact that she’s not Tunisian. She clearly missed her culture even as she shared about the violence, the bombings, the way her family was now spread all over the Mediterranean world, the years that elapsed since last seeing her mother. Her husband, like the many who come from all over the Arab world because of war, unrest, or investment opportunities, was a successful businessman. Others work for NGO’s, embassies, and have a thousand ways to make this new life work for them and their children. Tasnime glanced over at one of her sons laughing and playing with his Christian classmate in Tunisian Arabic… neither of them Tunisian! Many of these Arab immigrants to Tunisia come from even stricter Islamic countries with less gospel access. Pray that the Lord would use this season of feeling “foreign” to bring many Arab world immigrants home to Himself.

Prayer Walk

How does God lead you to pray as you watch this video from Tunisia?

Inspirational Quotes

“We who have Christ’s eternal life need to throw away our own lives.” -George Verwer

How could this quote inspire you to pray for Tunisians? For yourself?