Our Treasure in Jesus
God, we love you! As your Church, help us do what it takes to let the people [of location] grasp the Good News that you supply all our needs IN Christ! (Philippians 4:19)
Testimonies from Around the World
Jane from Senegal found herself pregnant as a teenager and so somehow gave her self an abortion. A few years later, she was pregnant again. This time she decided to keep the baby, but in order to avoid shaming the family, her parents forced her to abort. She was 5 months along, and the baby was born alive. Her mother showed her the baby, and then buried it alive. And Jane lived in the grief and anger and bitterness that followed this event.
On Thursday night she walked through forgiveness with the team teaching soul care. It was HARD. There were tears, but Jesus brought beautiful freedom to her life.
Pray for spiritual seekers [in location] and all over the Muslim world to find freedom in Jesus as they follow His example in receiving forgiveness for their sins and extending forgiveness to those who have wronged them.
Biblical Prayers
“Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call. This I know, that God is for me.” (Psalm 56:9 ESV).
Father God, would you plant the seed of holy confidence in the hearts of your followers [in location]. May they grow in the humble, eternal assurance of your completed work of grace so that even in the darkest nights of persecution, loneliness, and temptation they might join the saints across generations in saying “This I know, that God is for me.” (Psalm 56:9).
Prayer Walk
As you look at this image, how does God lead you to pray for these people?

Inspirational Quotes
In our lifetime, wouldn’t it be sad if we spent more time washing dishes or swatting flies or mowing the yard or watching television than praying for world missions? — Dave Davidson
How could this quote inspire you to pray for [people_group]? For yourself?