Our Treasure in Jesus

God, we love you! As your Church, help us do what it takes to let the people of Tunisia grasp the Good News that we will be presented to you perfect IN Christ! (Colossians 1:28)

Testimonies from Around the World

L has been a Christian for 6 months. L has many problems at work and lives in difficult conditions. He was renting an apartment but when the owner found his Bible, he made L leave. Yet, he prays and hungrily reads the Word every day. L shares his testimony with others and recently a woman accepted Christ and was baptized! L is a brand-new believer but as he learns from the Bible, he shares simply with others. Pray that God will encourage L as he seeks to live for Him!

Prayer for Boldness

“Then Paul answered, “What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”” (Acts 21:13 ESV).

Lord Jesus, raise up a generation of followers in Tunisia so burdened for your glory among the nations and so convinced of your eternal worth that they might say with passion and hope “I am ready not only to be imprisoned, but even to die…for the name of the Lord Jesus.” (Acts 21:13).

Pray for a Segment of Society

Barren Women- Yosra smiled shyly from under her hijab as her Christian neighbour gave her the usual hearty greeting. The neihgbor’s three small children also greeted her enthusiastically as she settled down in the kitchen. The toddler took the treat she’d brought for him and, for just a moment, she forgot they weren’t her own. Nearly 30 years old, her traditional, conservative family had written off her womb and with it her dignity—now she stared down the barrel of barrenness. She swallowed hard. Her husband, though heavy-handed, assured her that he was okay with what Allah had “written” for her, but many women in the same position don’t fare so well and are frequently divorced. Up until recently, her husband didn’t allow her to leave the house at all… now she had permission to go to her neighbours’ home and she was grateful for the nearly-daily interactions she had with them as they welcomed her with genuine love. Their kindness was a balm, but it didn’t heal the soul wound and daily pain she felt. Pray for the many women unable to bear children, that their worth would be found securely in Christ, and that they would “dance for joy like the mother[s] of children.”

Prayer Walk

How does God lead you to pray as you watch this video from Tunisia?

Inspirational Quotes

If the Great Commission is true, our plans are not too big; they are too small. — Pat Morley

How could this quote inspire you to pray for Tunisians? For yourself?